Teil 7: Deployment Server MDT1 vorbereiten

In diesem Teil werde ich den Deployment Server MDT1 vorbereiten.

Virtuellen Rechner erstellen – MDT1

  • Name: MDT1
  • Store the virtual machine in a different location aktivieren
  • Generation 2
  • Startup Memory: 1024 MB
  • Maximum Menory: 4096 MB
  • Use Dynamic Memory for this virtual machine aktivieren
  • Network Connection: CorpNet
  • Hard Disk: MDT1_C.vhdx, 60GB
  • Hard Disk: MDT1_DATA.vhdx, 100GB
  • Image file: C:\Sourcen\Windows_Server_Std_2012_R2_64bit.iso

Konfiguration von MDT1

Den Rechner wie in Teil 1: Windows Server 2012 R2 installieren und konfigurieren und Teil 1a: .NET Framework 3.5 auf Windows Server 2012 R2 installieren installieren und konfigurieren.

  1. Name: MDT1
  2. Domain: intern.einfaches-netzwerk.at
  3. IP address:
  4. Subnet mask:
  5. Default gateway:
  6. Preferred DNS server:
  7. DNS suffix for this connection: intern.einfaches-netzwerk.at

Windows ADK installieren

  1. Als Administrator an MDT1 anmelden
  2. Windows ADK 10 herunterladen
  3. adksetup.exe doppelklicken
  4. Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit – Windows 10
    1. Specify Location > Next
    2. Windows Kits Privacy
      1. No > Next
    3. License Agreement > Accept
    4. Select the features you want to install
      1. Deployment Tools
      2. Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE)
      3. Imaging And Configuration Designer (ICD)
      4. User State Migration Tool (USMT) > Install
    5. Welcome… > Close

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit installieren

  1. MDT 2013 Update 1 herunterladen
  2. MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2013_x64.msi doppelklicken
  3. Den Wizard durchklicken

Update: Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 1

  • Version: 6.3.8298.1000
  • Date Published: 15.09.2015

Windows Deployment Services installieren

  1. Server Manager > Manage > Add Roles and Features
  2. Add Roles and Features Wizard
    1. Before You Begin: Next
    2. Installation Type: Role-based or feature-based installation > Next
    3. Server Selection: MDT1.intern.einfaches-netzwerk.at > Next
    4. Server Roles: Windows Deployment Services > Add Features > Next
    5. Features: Next
    6. WDS: Next
    7. Role Services: Next
    8. Confirmation: Install
    9. Results: Close

Windows Deployment Services konfigurieren

  1. Server Manager > Tools > Windows Deployment Services
  2. Servers erweitern
  3. MDT1 rechts anklicken > Configure Server
  4. Windows Deployment Services Configuration Wizard
    1. Before You Begin: Next
    2. Install Options: Integrated with Active Directory > Next
    3. Remote Installation Folder Location:
      1. Path: E:\RemoteInstall > Next
    4. PXE Server Initial Settings: Respond to all client computers (known and unknown) > Next
    5. Operation Complete: Add images to the server now deaktivieren > Finish
  5. MDT1 rechts anklicken > Properties
  6. Auf den Reiter TFTP wechseln
    1. Maximum Block Size: 16384
  7. Fenster mit OK schließen
  8. MDT1 neu starten

CMTrace herunterladen und installieren

  1. System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager Toolkit  herunterladen
  2. ConfigMgrTools.msi doppelklicken
  3. Toolkit Setup
    1. Welcome… > Next
    2. License Terms
      1. I accept the license agreement > Next
    3. Select Component
      1. Server Tools > Do not install > Next
    4. Setup Complete > Finish
  4. CMTrace starten
  5. Mit Yes zum Standard-Viewer für Logdateien machen

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